09 August 2023

An overview of investment banking trends

En el último mes se han producido casi 1.750.000 menciones públicas relacionadas con Supply Chain, Ciberseguridad, Finanzas Sostenibles o Mujer y Finanzas. En BBVA CIB y como cada mes a través de esta newsletter , analizamos las tendencias en banca de inversión a partir de un estudio de conversación en redes sociales en torno al sector.

En agosto nos tomamos un respiro y os ofrecemos un resumen de los análisis que hemos estado haciendo hasta ahora de la mano de nuestros expertos.

Titulares más recientes:
  • El panorama financiero global actual demanda soluciones innovadoras para enfrentar los desafíos en la cadena de suministro y los relacionados con el avance de la digitalización , la tecnología blockchain y el big data .
  • La “inversión de impacto” y la ciberseguridad se han convertido en críticos en la lista de prioridades, exigiendo mayor transparencia y protección , respectivamente.
  • La visibilidad del talento femenino en el sector financiero sigue siendo un reto global, en el que BBVA tiene un papel activo: el 52,5% de la plantilla del banco son mujeres y el 33,5% de estas mujeres ocupan puestos directivos. 
  • Los préstamos corporativos vinculados a indicadores de desempeño sostenible han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial. En 2022, BBVA lanzó los préstamos “Huella hídrica” , que se centran en la reducción de la huella hídrica y el tratamiento del agua a través de diferentes indicadores.
  • El proyecto de Unión de los Mercados de Capitales de la UE es visto como un elemento clave para el crecimiento económico, acelerando la innovación y la creación de empleo, además de ayudar a consolidar la estabilidad financiera de la región.
  • La financiación verde es fundamental para facilitar la transición hacia un futuro sostenible. BBVA Greenfluencers nos ayuda a comprender mejor los diferentes retos a los que se enfrenta el mundo empresarial en el ámbito de la sostenibilidad.

Una mirada en profundidad a las tendencias de la banca de inversión

Issue 01  - Cadena de Suministro y Comercio Global

Global financial uncertainty, mainly associated with the war in Ukraine, is reflected in increased energy costs, and even the possibility of shortages of some commodities, such as natural gas, in Europe for the coming winter, to inflation and a consequent increase in the cost of living, affecting families and businesses... Keep reading.

Issue 02 - Impact Investment

Sustainable investment or SRI, which integrates environmental, social and good governance factors in its analysis processes, is a trend that is gaining in strength and growing day by day. Specifically in Spain, as published by Spainsif - Inversión Sostenible y Responsable in its latest study on sustainable investment in the country, this has grown by 10% in 2021 to reach a total EUR 379,618 million of sustainable investment under management… Keep reading.

Issue 03  - Cibersecurity and the banking sector

We live in a hyperconnected world. New forms of remote working, the evolution of information technologies, as well as the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in all areas of society, have provided numerous opportunities for attackers to enter and access our data. As a result, cybersecurity is high on the agenda of companies and individuals for the barely-started 2023… Keep reading.

Issue 04  - ESG Investing

ESG investing has gone through several stages since it emerged as a relevant criterion in financial settings. It has gone from being the medal desired by all to being a weakness to improve on, particularly because of the growing regulations and the reform of the funds art. 8 and 9 to avoid greenwashing by products and entities… Keep reading.

Issue 05  - Women in banking

At BBVA women make up 52,5% of the workforce and occupy 33,5% of management positions. This last figure is well above the average of the sector in Europe. Deloitte's 2022 report "Gender diversity in global financial services" places the presence of women in management positions at 21.7% and the report "Gender Diversity on European Bank Boards" by DBRS Morningstar at 23%. Albeit there is still room for improvement, it is a sign of the real commitment of BBVA Group - recently selected among the world's most advanced companies in gender equality by the Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking … Keep reading.

Issue 06  - Sustainability Linked- bonds

Corporate loans linked to sustainable performance indicators have been increasing exponentially over the past few years. The basic feature of these instruments is that the financial conditions vary depending on whether the issuer achieves certain ESG objectivesKeep reading.

Issue 07  - Capital Markets

The project for the European Capital Markets Union (CMU) has attracted a great deal of interest since the European Union announced the creation of this idea in 2015. The main goal is to harmonize European markets and domestic regulations in order to promote more liquid markets for easy access to issuers and, ultimately, to make the European market more attractive for investors and savers… Keep reading.

Issue 08  - The Transformative Influence of Green Finance

Thanks to their power to mobilize capital, banks play an essential role in transitioning to a sustainable future. At BBVA, sustainability is a strategic pillar, and our mission is to facilitate a greener and more inclusive tomorrow. Aware that our wholesale clients share this priority, BBVA CIB advises on transitioning to more sustainable business models… Keep reading.

 Issue 09  - Regulation, a lever for financial innovation

En poco más de 20 años, hemos visto cómo el escenario ha cambiado drásticamente. Nuevas tecnologías como blockchain, cloud computing, pagos móviles, robo-advisors o big data están dando forma a un panorama cambiante a una velocidad vertiginosa… Sigue leyendo.