Personal Data Protection

This personal data protection policy (“Personal Data Protection Policy“) aims to inform you about how we collect, process and protect the personal data you provide or we gather under your relationship with BBVA.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (“BBVA”), with registered office at Plaza de San Nicolás, 4, 48005, Bilbao Spain.

On the occasion of your relationship with us, whether being a Representative, Signee on your own behalf, or Contact Person (jointly referred to herein as “Representatives“), BBVA may process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identifying and contact data (including postal mail and/or email addresses), and data that may appear in the documentation accrediting the representation;
  • Signature data (including the digital and electronic signature);
  • Identification codes or passwords to access and operate the remote channels you use in your dealings with BBVA.
  • When you browse through our websites, we collect “cookies”. Please read the Cookies Policy provided in each website.

Likewise, we may collect other data through our websites or in other specific documents. In each form used for that purpose, we will inform you of the purposes and legitimacy for processing your data.

At BBVA, we ask you to keep your data duly updated to ensure that the data we process is truthful at all times. If you change them, let us know so that we are aware of your current situation.

Prior to providing any personal information on any individual involved in the performance of the Contract, the legal entity on behalf of which he/she may act, must have (i) informed said individual of the processing that will be carried out on the data of the contract; and (ii) fulfilled any other applicable requirements for the correct transfer of the personal information, without the other Party being required to take any further action in terms of informing the affected party or seeking its consent, as the case may be.

  • At BBVA, we process your personal data to manage the contract in which you are intervening due to your legal relationship with a BBVA customer.
  • When you access the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), to manage your browsing activity in accordance with the Cookies Policy, which you can view here. In this document we inform you about the processing of the information that BBVA obtains through the Website but it is not applicable to the information that can be obtained by third parties on other websites, even if they are linked by the Website.
  • When you fill in a specific form or document, for the purposes and legitimacy indicated on each of said personal data collection forms or specific documents.
  • BBVA may process your data (with the exception of Contact Persons) for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing to enable them to comply with their obligations to collect information and identify, and provide information on payment transactions to the authorities of other countries, inside and outside the European Union, according to the legislation of certain countries and the agreements signed between them.

The Data Protection Officer is the person at BBVA in charge of protecting the fundamental right to personal data protection and is responsible for compliance with data protection regulations. You can contact BBVA’s Data Protection Officer by sending an email to the following email address:

At BBVA we process your personal data with the utmost confidentiality. We undertake not to disclose such data, and guarantee our duty to safeguard them by adopting all necessary measures to avoid their alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access, in accordance with the legal obligations that apply to us as being responsible for the processing of your personal data.

BBVA has put in place and maintains the highest levels of security as required by law to protect your personal data against incidental loss and access and unauthorized processing or disclosure, in consideration of the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks they are exposed to. You can consult the BBVA Security section here.

BBVA will store the personal data of the Representatives (individuals) for as long as the contractual relationship it is a party of remains in effect. Once terminated, their personal data will be blocked for the legal periods of limitation, generally 10 years for anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulations. Once the legal deadline has elapsed, the data will be destroyed.

The data collected during browsing activities in the Website will be stored for the time period set forth in the Cookies Policy.

Moreover, if we ask you to fill in other personal data in specific forms or documents, we will inform you in those documents of how long your data will be stored.

We will not pass on your personal data to third parties unless we are required to do so by law.

When your consent is required to communicate your personal data to third parties, we will inform you in the data collection forms and/or specific documents of the purpose of the processing, the data to be communicated, as well as the identity or areas of activity of the possible assignees of your personal data.

BBVA informs the Representatives (individuals) that certain companies that provide services to BBVA may access their personal data. At this link you will find a list, sorted by categories, of the companies that process your information on behalf of BBVA, as part of service provision agreements with them.

Furthermore, we inform you that, for the same purpose as indicated in the previous paragraph, certain companies that provide services to BBVA may have access to your personal data from other countries (international data transfers). These transfers are made to countries with a level of protection comparable to that of the European Union (European Commission suitability decisions, standard contract clauses and certification mechanisms). For more information, you can contact the BBVA Group Data Protection Officer by sending an email to the following email address:





You will be able to consult your personal data included in BBVA files


You can modify your personal data if they are inaccurate


You will be able to request that your personal data be deleted


You will be able to request that your personal data not be processed

Limitation of processing

You can request a limitation on the processing of your data in the following cases:

– While any dispute over the accuracy of your data is being checked.

– When such processing is illegal, but you object to your data being erased.

– When BBVA does not need to process your data but you need it to assert or defend claims.

– When you have objected to your data being processed to undertake a task in the public interest or to satisfy a legitimate interest, while checking whether legitimate reasons for processing prevail over your own.


You will be able to receive, in electronic format, the personal data you have provided to us, as well as to transmit them to another entity.
If you believe that we have not processed your personal data in accordance with the regulations, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following address:

Nevertheless, you are entitled to submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

To exercise your rights, attach a copy of your ID card or equivalent document accrediting your identity with your application.
These rights may be exercised at no cost.


Furthermore, you may withdraw any consent given, at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing sending your request to the email address:  Remember to attach a copy of your ID card or equivalent document accrediting your identity to your application.

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: You can learn more about the personal information we collect and the purposes for that collection here.

Last update: April 2022

The California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”) is intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for California residents. To better understand your rights in respect of the collection, processing, or disclosure of your Personal Information, please click here.

Last update: May 20, 2024