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Explore our podcasts, which cover a variety of subjects on the challenges, needs, and opportunities surrounding market players, to expand your knowledge of the most current and relevant topic

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Episode 17: We learn with Dharel Patel, Head of Environment & Sustainability at Mobico Group (National Express), why the company is a leader in accelerating the decarbonization of transpor. Beatriz Roa, Global Sector Manager for Industrials, at BBVA, together with Dharel, dives into the programs launched to advance in accelerating decarbonizing mobility and supporting cities in the UK to become greener and more sustainable.
bbva podcasts
Episode 16: Antoni Ballabriga, Global Head of Sustainability Intelligence & Advocacy at BBVA travels to Paris to talk with Saint-Gobain, the world leader in lightweight and sustainable construction. Find out what Emmanuel Normant, Vice President for Sustainable development at Saint-Gobain has to say about how they apply sustainability in their business strategy and how they work against climate change.
bbva podcasts
Episode 12: Beatriz Casares, Global Banker at BBVA travels to the offices of Brambles, the Australian logistics company. Juan José Freijo, Chief Sustainability Officer and VP for EMEA Government Affairs at Brambles explains us about supply chains, the sustainable circular business of a leading company in reusable packaging services, and what are the secrets of its success.
bbva podcasts
Episode 5: Ángel Tejada, Global Head of Credit ESG, talks with Yerlan Syzdykov, Global Head of Emerging Markets for Amundi. This episode shows us that the financial industry in general, and the asset management sector in particular, is playing a fundamental role in promoting sustainability and acting as a channel to carry out all those policies that so much the government as the people pursue.


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