BBVA offers a broad range of market making and product solutions for foreign exchange and interest rates business.

Capital markets services
BBVA’s global markets team brings together expertise in a wide range of financial products and underlyings, to help clients understand how through origination, structuring and distribution they can shape their own risk profile to adapt to the complex environment world. Corporates, governments and financial institutions around the world have access to BBVA’s specialists at each step of the value chain. These specialists trade within BBVA’s strict framework of protocols, bringing the opportunities of global markets to everyone.
Capital markets solutions
BBVA’s multi-disciplinary teams of specialists and powerful technology platforms offer investors and institutional clients access to global equity markets to trade in a variety of business lines, including investment products, flow derivatives, equity financing and Delta 1.
Corporates, financial institutions, sovereigns, supranationals and agencies enjoy BBVA’s ull-service sales, trading, analysis and origination solutions.
BBVA QIS is an innovative Investment Strategies provider that focuses on the design, manufacturing and distribution of rules-based, multi-asset and long-short indices. BBVA QIS offers clients a broad range of investment alternatives, leveraging on BBVA’s powerful data-driven skills and expertise.
BBVA has evolved to a fully integrated digital approach and has developed a comprehensive set of digital channels, products & services.
BBVA Carbon Markets complements our sustainable offering, supporting our clients in managing regulatory carbon risks and voluntary pledges on their net zero journey.