Episode 9: RECAP

In the BBVA Greenfluencers program we learn, together with all the experts and organizations that have accompanied us until today, how the commitment to sustainability and our planet are the future of companies.

In this episode, you will discover:

  • How have they managed to align strategic and ESG objectives?
  • What initiatives are they implementing and how do they communicate them to their clients?
  • How do they see the sustainable future of their companies and the planet?

Summary text:

In the ninth episode of BBVA Greenfluencers, we explored together with all the experts and organizations that have accompanied us to date, Redeia, Grupo Herdez, Iberostar, Iberia, Amundi, Grupo Energía Bogotá, Ledesma and FUNO, how the commitment to sustainability and the planet are at the center of the companies.

In the ninth episode of BBVA Greenfluencers, we explored together with all the experts and organizations that have accompanied us to date, Redeia, Grupo Herdez, Iberostar, Iberia, Amundi, Grupo Energía Bogotá, Ledesma, and FUNO, how the commitment to sustainability and the planet are at the center of the companies.

Their commitment to sustainability makes them unique and positions them against their competition. Together, they continue to contribute to making the world more sustainable through the innovation of services for their clients.